Wednesday, January 13, 2010

review matricies, correcting homework

We started off the class today talking about the provincial math exam and what to do if you are wanting to go to the funeral on monday. What Mr.maks had concluded was to just go. You can finish that part of the exam another day it just won't be considered a provincial mark anymore. Check to see if you need a provincial mark on your transcrips to get into post secondary school. Talk to mr.maks about it if you want more information.

Then we corrected our homework. The multiple choice and question five and then reviewed.

Review of the exam

Things to know about Matrix Modelling:
-matrix operations and vocabulary +, -, x, x rules
-matrix multiplication (two-finger) helps you avoid nonsense
-transition matricies, n x n ROW matricies, "1 sum" , understand transition diagrams, STABILITY
[B] x [A] ^ n
[B] x [A]^(n+1)
-two-way networks, symmetry across a diagnol <--->
-one-way networks -----> EXACTLY, ATLEAST, AT MOST
[A], [A]^2, [A]^3, etc..

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