Friday, November 20, 2009


Yo Ho Math-Goers of Room 204 -

What a rando class we had this morning! Congradulations on learning and getting off topic on this glorious morning before a well deserved weekend.

So let's recap shall we:

Book Recommendation from Mr. Maksymchuk : Eats, Shoots and Leaves
Then we got into talking about Mr.Maksymchuk's brother. We were informed that Mr Maks is smarter and better looking. With the help of Google Street Maps, we creeped on his brothers house in Calgary. We also viewed the Calgary Zoo in hopes of seeing some of the animals, unfortunately, we saw none. We left Alberta and headed to the Valley. Checked out Swan River and discovered that Lenswood is in fact on the map which is quite surprising.

In Tokyo, people are anti social due to technology. They would rather interact with other people through social networking sites then having actual human contact.

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