Monday, November 30, 2009

Today we did mental math. Most of the question were on probality to help us for our test sometime this week. Sometime this week we will go over what is going to be on the test. Today we got to work on homework or any math of our choice because Mr.Max's computer wasn't working.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

independent and dependent events

We kicked off math class with mental math.

Tomorrow we have time to finish up our vector projects in class and don't forget they're due on friday.

After mental math we looked at questions from exercise 5 Independents and Dependent Events

Assignment is Exercise 5 and Exercise 3.

Independent probability events (two or more events occur and have no affect on each others outcomes at all)

ex. no replacement

Dependent Probability events occur such that later events ARE affected by previous events

ex. NO replacement

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Complementary Events

Today in class we started with mental math. Today is a long block too. Mr.Max is teaching us more today on probability. We learnt about Sample Space which means ''any complete representation of all probability experiment" ex. spinning a spinner or flipping a coin. There is different ways you can show probability outcomes for sample space. The examples of this will be in his notes that i will post on the blog. Complementary events formula is p(A) + P(A)=1. We are getting another assignment which we are suppost to do the the 4 qeustions on exercise 3.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Perms and Coms Theory November 23/ 09

On this Monday morning we furthered into probability by beginning on Permutation and Combination. Permutation is a group of things organized where the order matters, and Combination is a group of things organized where the order is irrelevant. Examples of both are on the sheets below that were created by Mr. Maks during class.

This page simply explains both words and exemplifies their meanings.

This first page above shows an example of Perms where order matters and then also displays the formula to use when calculating Permutations. 'n' is the original number of options, which is factorial, you then divide that by the same number but subtract the amount of places to put the numbers into, this number is also factorial.
The next page beside it is pretty much self explanitory of what factorial means and further explains it.

This was a quick example of two poker hands that are the exact same, but doesn't matter! It is a combination not a permutation. Calculating card hands is one example of using the following formula.

This is the formula to evaluate combinations, not permutations.
I'm not too sure where in the lesson this was included, but it may be valuable to someone in the fundamental counting system. The numbers 33, 21, and 7 are irrelivant, but the fact that there are three numbers and you order them in 3 places. Which as shown is 3*2*1 and equals 6 ways to set up these numbers.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Yo Ho Math-Goers of Room 204 -

What a rando class we had this morning! Congradulations on learning and getting off topic on this glorious morning before a well deserved weekend.

So let's recap shall we:

Book Recommendation from Mr. Maksymchuk : Eats, Shoots and Leaves
Then we got into talking about Mr.Maksymchuk's brother. We were informed that Mr Maks is smarter and better looking. With the help of Google Street Maps, we creeped on his brothers house in Calgary. We also viewed the Calgary Zoo in hopes of seeing some of the animals, unfortunately, we saw none. We left Alberta and headed to the Valley. Checked out Swan River and discovered that Lenswood is in fact on the map which is quite surprising.

In Tokyo, people are anti social due to technology. They would rather interact with other people through social networking sites then having actual human contact.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Project Class!!

Today we have the short block to work on our projects. You can do your project on euklid or graph paper. Our projects are due by next friday so get working!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Probability Introduction

For the probability unit, you have to be able to go back and forth from:
Pascals Triangle:
Every number in the next row is the sum of the 2 numbers above it
This triangle helps for Pathway Questions, like the example we did:
Note that the number on each path matches the numbers on Pascal's triangle for part A.
For part B, the next picture helps explain it. When he goes through the dentist office on the way, the triangle starts over again, with new numbers at that point. The 18/35 comes from the following picture:
The probability of the whole thing is the following:

Monday, November 16, 2009

Vector "Tricks"

Today, Mr. Maksymchuk showed us a template we can use for vectors that can be used on the exam. To open these templates:

  1. open EUKLID Dynageo
  2. go to File and click on Load.
  3. navigate yourself to our class folder and enter our exam use folder.
  4. There are two files there. Open either one to use them in EUKLID.

These templates are ours to use for the exam.

Also, for the people who's mark dropped from Mr. Maks', "baby-shaking" method of getting our attention about our vector exercises, today was a chance to prove to Mr. Maks that we deserve those marks back. Mental Math was not done today so no need to worry about that. As strange as it was, Mr. Maks left class at 9:45 to watch his kid in kindergarden.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Today in class we worked on our vector questions. Also we had to tell Mr. Max what our vector project will be or what we're planing to do. The vector project will be due on the 27Th of November. But that is an inservice day, Mr. Max will allow you to work on your project that day if your a procrastinator.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

I <3 My Class!

As you all know, I'm really touchy and feely (sp.?) and warm and fuzzy. Nah. Not me. Never mind.

But reading a week or so worth of blog posts always impresses.... In spite of certain places and times when I feel like maybe things aren't going as well as I would like, I'm inspired by the creativity, the sense of humour, the intent to put complex mathematics into context, and the effort put forth to try to help one another. The posts on this blog exhibited by the individuals in the classes I teach are good, and posts from this class are no exception. Keep up the important work.

Keep trying hard. Be true. Learn. Together.
...and I too lament Cookie Monster's descent into memory only.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Parallelogram Method!

Tomorrow is Remembrance Day, so everyone take some time to think about the soldiers who fought and are fighting for Canada. Be proud to be a Canadian. I think we forget how fortunate we truely are.

Today we learnt the wonderfulness of a parallelogram with vector addition.

Parallelogram- 4 sided polygon wit opposite sides parallel.

Monday, November 9, 2009

November 9/09

Today in class we started off with mental math. Mr. Max told us about our Vector Project that we have to have done by November 27th.

The format: negotiable. possibilities include, but not limited to:
- essay style (includes diagrams)
- Powerpoint/presentation (not presented) - hand in only
- Blogger style blog post (on your own blog)
- Spreadsheet (including diagrams and interactivity)
- Euklid type diagrams embedded in other software

What is included:
Project-type stuff:
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- References (if any)
- Discussion (or something like a discussion)
- Conclusion
- Diagrams, scaled, neat, organized..etc.

What it is about:

- Start with a known Resultant vector...(means that youy have a known start and a known finish)

Topics: all 2-D references, from above(top-down), no limit on creativity

Must Include: 5 specifically appropriate, context-based, scenarios that have as their answer, the resultant vector. #1 is......, Scenario #2...,etc. Each scenario has to include a minimum of 2 vectors (magnitude and direction scaled and directed for each)

By this Thursday he would like to see a topic from you.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

the demise of our cookie monster through the humble vegetable

Today in class we had an earnest and frank discussion about the Cookie Monster( from Sesame Street), and his demise into dark days-dark days filled with "sometimes cookies," and "mostly vegetables" .The Cookie Monster has became an ugly, loathsome, vegetable-eating lie... i mean you just can't eat cookies(exclusively) for nearly 40 years of your life and then suddenly decide that maybe eating cookies is particularly unhealthy.It would even be alright for him to eat ecologically friendly nutrient-rich vegan-style cookies... why couldn't that be possible?... why do cookies have to be only sometimes food?
I lament the loss of our cookie monster, from the deepest depths of my heart.
And subsequently, mathematics doesn't seem so important.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

V is for Vectors!

So yesterday, I couldn't get blogger to work.. which is why I'm back again today. Yesterday we learned about Scaling vectors and it was superbly exciting. For some reason I can't seem to get the voice thing to show up on here, probably because computers hate me big time, but I'll keep trying.

- Magnitude
- Direction

Resultant Vector

Today was a long block and we had to attend a grad meeting for the first 45 minutes of class...
We then started learning about Resultant Vectors. Resultant Vector is the vector that 'results' from adding two or more vectors together. We then learnt how to make triangle vectors. We use the triangle method when vectors are stacked chronogically.

Triangle method steps:
1) Starting from some "origin", create a vector (to scale) such that the tail is on that origin.
2) Square up the V -->, vector head position (for measurement)
3) Create v2, v3, v4...etc, and square up each vector head for measurement.
4) From the origin, create the resultant vector, such that its tail is on the origin, and its head of the last 'added' vector.


Mr.Max then did an example on euklid.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Euklid day

Vector graphics is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygon(s), which are all based on mathematical equations, to represent images in computer graphics.